Four Shameless Tips You Need While Living Alone

Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Selfish Column. I hope all is going great in your lives as always. As you can see, the topic for today is for all my single peeps!!!. Recently, I spoke to a few people in my life who are currently living on their own and shared some really fun and interesting ideas on how we manage this new sense of freedom…

So, how do I get my motivation back once the laziness hits? How do I stay productive throughout the day, you ask? Well, look no further than the list provided below.

Goals Pic 2

1. Don’t feel guilty if you are not big on grocery shopping:

Three weekly trips to the grocery store are better than one giant one with items you didn’t use go bad. The reason why I stress this is because I used to feel like I needed to go to the grocery store and buy everything possible. After all, in my head, that’s what adults do. But I learned very quickly that I was wasting a ton of money with that mentality.

2. Don’t feel rushed into getting your home together all at once:

When I first got the place to myself, I had all these expectations of my home. I kept telling myself that my space had to be a certain way at a certain time before anyone could enter. Once I stepped back and let things fall into place, I could enjoy the process without rushing or breaking the bank. The space I took between purchasing things and bringing them into my place allowed me to come across amazing sales.

3. Figure out what budget works for you and write everything down:

Things can get lost quickly if you do not pay attention to your spending. I speak this to you as I sometimes struggle to find my own balance. Budgeting does not mean that once it’s written down it’s set in stone. Your budget can always grow as long as you don’t plan to stay stagnant in your current life.

4. Give yourself one day a week or even a month that is dedicated to administration:

I learned this from an amazing blogger and friend, Justine Celine. This woman is so full of wisdom when it comes to this blog thing. Once I decided to take this challenge on with my emails, I started incorporating it into my everyday life. This included things such as making lists for house stuff, making appointments, and returning calls from family and friends. Pretty much anything you feel fits in your life to keep the wheels going can be put on the list.

The one thing I can leave with you is to remember that you can’t put a price tag on your peace of mind. What works for you may not work for someone else.

Thank you for stopping by The Selfish Column, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.



  1. Justine @ says:

    Aw thanks so much for including me in this post, Nancy. There are some great tips in here. I hope you’re doing well!

  2. AJ says:

    Great tips; thank you.

    1. Your are so welcome AJ.

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